How to create and manage a group

Introduction §

A group is needed both for data sources and for applications. You create a group in the developer portal. You have to input a unique name for the group and then input the party configuration domain where you hosted a party configuration you set up. In case you have an existing group without a party configuration you can find the group in your list of groups, edit it, add the party configuration domain and click the update button.

Create a group page in Developer Portal Editing a group page in Developer Portal

Creating and hosting party configuration §

1. Select a domain (it can also be a subdomain) on which you want to host your party configuration.
Note: You will need to be able to create a file at /.well-known/dataspace/party-configuration.json on that domain and it needs to be accessible over https:// with a valid certificate.

2. Create the party-configuration.json and host it on the desired domain. See party configuration schema for more details.

3. Ensure the jwks_uri points to some https:// based domain and a location you can control. A suggestion is to point it to the /.well-known/jwks.json on the same domain as the party configuration.
Example from

4. Create the content for the jwks_uri and host it in the location you specified in the party configuration. For this, you will need to generate an RSA public/private keypair. Ensure there is at least one key and that it has a kid, the kty is RSA, the use is set to sig, the alg is RS256 and it has the n and e parameters. Here is an example of what it should look like from

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