How to manage group members

Introduction §

Being the owner of a group lets you manage other members (invite, remove, change the role). There are two different roles in a group:

  • Member: Can add/remove/edit applications and data sources.
  • Owner: Can add/remove members and other owners and manage theirs roles, as well as do anything a member can. Owners are the only ones able to edit the GDPR contact or party configuration domain.

To send the invite: §

  1. Navigate to the My groups page via sidebar. Link to my groups in the sidebar
  2. Click the View button against the group you’re owner of. My groups page
  3. At the bottom of the page you’ll see a list of current members of the group as well as the Invite and Leave buttons (if the Leave button is disabled – it’s because you can’t leave a group you’re the sole owner of). Click Invite. Members section of my groups page
  4. On the dialog window enter the email of the user you want to invite and select the desired role. Click Invite. Group member invitation dialog window
  5. User will be notified by email and you will see the pending invitation in the list. Pending invitation in group members list
  6. Invited user will get notification like this in the developer portal and decide if to join or not. Invitation notification on my groups page
  7. If user accepts – you will see him in the list. If not – pending invitation will disappear. Invited user is in my group members list

To edit member's role : §

  1. Click the pencil icon against the user whose role you want to change.
  2. Select new role. Click Save. Edit group's member role dialog
  3. Now John is also an owner. Edit group's member role dialog

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