Metadata Signing

IOXIO Tags™️ metadata

Technical details about the metadata files for IOXIO Tags™

product-passport.json §

The /.well-known/product-passport.json file hosted at the issuer domain includes the common information about the issuer. This includes location of signature public keys hosted with JWKS, the URL to a logo, and the base URL of the dataspace used to host the supported data products.


jwks_uri string
HTTPS URL pointing to a valid JWKS .json file
logo_url string
HTTPS URL pointing to an image of the logo associated with the issuer
product_dataspace string
The base domain of the dataspace the issuer supports

Example product-passport.json

You can also check out

{product}.json §

E.g. if the QR code has the product set to the value battery-100wh-super-turbo this is expected to be found at /.well-known/product-passport/products/battery-100wh-super-turbo.json, and contains the important data about that specific type of product.


names object
Map of locale to display name for the product
image_url string
HTTPS URL pointing to an image of the product
supported_dataproducts list
List of data products supported by the issuer

Supported data products:

path string
Path of the data product
source string
Identifier of the source on the dataspace that the issuer's data is available from. You can check the source names from the available sources -list on the developer portal of the dataspace.

Example battery-100wh-super-turbo.json

jwks.json §

Typically hosted at /.well-known/jwks.json, and includes the JWKS keys.


keys list
List of keys


alg string
kid string
Key ID
kty string
Key type
n string
Cryptographical data
e string
Exponent for the cryptographical data

Example jwks.json

You can use our Python script to convert RSA keys generated with openssl genrsa -out key.pem 2048; openssl rsa -in key.pem -pubout -out to jwks.json format.

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